Today is World Kindness Day, NOV 13, 2016. What a spectacular day to launch this Kind Deed Community. The idea was intiated in 2012, so you will know this has been in the planning process long before our current climate of discord. My mission is to increase the light of Kindness in our world by creating an awareness that we all can share kind deeds daily, sowing #SeedsOfKindness, no matter how small. And to lift others spirits on a daily basis by sharing of ourselves with animals, humans and/or our environment. I invite you to join our Kind Deed Community at Together we will create a world of kind individuals willing to go out of their way to sow #SeedsOfKindness daily. I look forward to learning about your #SeedsOfKindness shared.
The Kind Deed Community concept was determined in 2012 and refined beginning in the Fall of 2014 as I participated in a personal/business development program called #MasterKeyExperience. During this course I was learning to sit 15 minutes each day (which did not happen every day) and consider what was important to me. This Kind Deed Community concept is dedicated to my Mother and my Maternal Grandmother. I thank them for being my inspiration and role models to serve others. You can learn more about me and my farm upbringing at our Facebook page.
Please visit our Facebook: KindDeedCommunity and please like our page. I will be sharing kindness thoughts several times per week in our FB and through our blog posts as we learn from each other the Kind Deeds you all share with our community. It will be heartwarming to learn how each individual community and those living in those communities days are brightened by all Kind Deed members. Stay tuned to our #KindDeedCommunity to learn what else is being planned.
I look forward to getting to know each of you in our #KindDeedCommunity.
I am so excited to be given the opportunity to be part of this Kind Deed Community. I believe that even what is perceived as a “small” kind deed can produce a big “ripple effect” in the community and to the world. Quite a few years ago I tried to smile at everybody I made eye contact with and was surprised by the results, but I have continued it just because I like it when someone smiles back. Then the other day I was going through a drive thru and the employee said “God Bless You” I was surprised and received an overwhelming feeling of a “huge smile” It was awesome!!
Kathy, Thank you for sharing your experiences. This is what this blog is for sowing #SeedsOfKindness and we all benefit, not just the individuals in our experiences.