Hello, I am Patti!
Patti Smith, the visionary for this project, was born and raised on a farm in North Dakota. She grew up working in the fields and helping her father with his taxidermy shop while her mother worked as a Registered Nurse in the local hospital.
I learned about hard work and the benefits of farm family life. Playing outside as a child figuring out how things worked, being creative and spending many weekends at the lake fishing or water skiing was a fun way to grow up.
The Kind Deed Community (www.KindDeedCommunity.com) is inspired by and dedicated to Patti’s mother and grandmother who showed her throughout their lives the true meaning of service and how to give the gift of kindness. Both women were incredibly active within their communities, volunteered their time, and worked hard to share their talents and gifts with others. Patti would also like to dedicate this project to her father who went out of his way to provide excellent service to his customers.
Patti lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband, Steven. They have three sons: Jason (Sarah), Matt (Alyse), and Ryan. She also has three grandchildren: Charlie, Wyatt, and Benny. Patti says that being a grandparent is the ultimate blessing.
Like the women who came before her, Patti is active in her community. She is a member of Zonta Club of Fort Collins whose mission is to provide support to women and girls locally and globally. Zonta Club of Fort Collins provides annual education scholarships to single mothers.
“Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” – Plato
I believe that acting in kindness towards one another is one of the simplest and most effective ways to spread love through our world. Kindness truly is contagious and by helping to improve someone’s day, even in the smallest way, we can create a butterfly effect of good deeds that reach beyond our imaginations. Join the Kind Deed Community (www.KindDeedCommunity.com) and be the reason someone smiles today.
This Kindness Calendar has been a dream project of mine. The idea was inspired by grandson, Charlie one November afternoon while we were on a walk. I had just celebrated World Kindness Day and was thinking about how I could help share the idea of spreading kindness when Charlie stopped to chase and pick up a piece of paper that was blowing in the wind. In that moment, it struck me that no matter how small an act of kindness, someone or something gets healed. Sometimes it is the environment, sometimes it is ones heart, but no matter what – it leads to healing the spirit of humankind.
My hope and the intention is that you will use this calendar as a working journal to track your kind deeds. As you write each day, remember those who are and have been your mentors in kindness. As you act in honor of their legacy, you will ultimately create your own.
There will be additional products added along the way to inspire you to share with others, your light as you brighten their day with kindness.
May you be inspired daily to share your light with others, Patti