Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoyed your day with family, friends and/or someone new you have just met. The goal of this KindDeedCommunity is to create a kinder world community one kind deed at a time. I will post on our blog site once per week and I invite you to share on this blogsite or our FaceBook site the ways you are sowing #SeedsOfKindness with others. When we all share then all benefit as do the individuals lives you have touched and we all learn from each other various types of kindness actions we may not have thought of.
Here is our action plan for today’s post: Watch this YouTube video of Glen Campbell’s song: Try a Little Kindness
On our resource page next week I will begin to share books, music and other information about kindness. Please share your resources on our FB page for all as well and I will add them to our website resource page. At the end of each month I will be sharing an interview with an individual that has done and/or is doing Kind Deeds. I will also share a podcast of this interview if I can learn how to do that this weekend, if not I will begin the podcasts end of DEC.
How did Thanksgiving begin? Here is an account I found to share with you:
Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to the 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the religious refugees from England known popularly as the Pilgrims invited the local Native Americans to a harvest feast after a particularly successful growing season.
The previous year’s harvests had failed and in the winter of 1620, half of the pilgrims had starved to death.
Luckily for the rest, members of the local Wampanoag tribe taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans and squash (the Three Sisters); catch fish, and collect seafood. (The Pilgrims benefited from the local tribes kindness.)
There are only two contemporary accounts of the 1621 Thanksgiving, but it’s clear that turkey was not on the menu. The three-day feast included goose, lobster, cod and deer. And thanks to President Abraham Lincoln we officially have a Thanksgiving Day.
As I mentioned when I began this post, my intent is to create an awareness about the benefits of sharing your light with others in the form of Kind Deeds, sowing #SeedsOfKindness. We are creating together, a kinder world community.
I hope you enjoyed your day being grateful and sowing #SeedsOfKindess. Thank you for participating in our Kind Deed Community. Will you consider sharing this community with your friends? My goal is a worldwide Kind Deed Community. Thank you, I am grateful for your participation.
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